Milk mixing tank

We have made the best milk mixing tank that meets all standards of quality and efficiency in the dairy industry. Our mixers can be used for processing other milk products or simply milk as well, and they provide reliable service and performance required to achieve uniformity and high quality.


Product Description

Material and Manufacture

The Milk Mixing Tanks are made from carefully selected materials, such as 304 stainless steel or 316L stainless steel. The reason why these materials were chosen is because of their strength, durability and being resistant to rust thus making them perfect for food grade use where they can keep your dairy products safe while mixing them up.

Different options for heating

Our Milk Mixing Tanks come with various heating methods so that you can choose what suits your needs:

  1. Steam Heating: The most effective way to heat up big amounts of milk at once in large scale operations.
  2. Electric Heating: Temperature control is easy here since it’s done precisely, thus suitable when dealing with small sizes or specific processes which require this kind of approach.

Design Variations

These are different types that have been created depending on how one intends to use them;

  1. Single-Layer Tank – Basic model used mainly for simple stirring without additional temperature control needed.
  2. Jacketed Tank – This design has layers which enable insulation between walls where a thermostat may be fitted allowing regulation of heat flow into or out of the vessel hence ideal when seeking accurate thermal management during certain processes such as those having sensitive time-temperature relationships like pasteurization.

Customization Options

  1. CIP (Clean In Place) System – With this installed one does not need to dismantle anything since everything gets cleaned automatically including pipes, reducing maintenance time and effort required.
  2. Temperature Gauge: It is used to measure temperature in a mixing tank. Critical for maintaining product quality as it ensures accurate reading of the current temp at which different items were mixed, thus enabling one to identify whether they have been overcooked or underdone depending on what was being prepared.

Capacity Range: The size can be altered according to production needs ranging from 50 liters up to 30000 liters so you are not limited by space when choosing our milk mixer tanks since we got all covered.


Our Milk Mixing Tanks are widely applicable within dairy industries, where they can be used among other things for;

  1. Processing Milk – It does this faster than any other mixer, thereby saving time that could have been wasted while carrying out the same task using different equipment.
  2. Dairy Products – It can also mix cream with yogurt and various dairy products, which demand precise control over temperatures throughout the process.

Why Choose Our Milk Mixing Tank?

When you buy a milk mixing tank from us, expect nothing less but long life span, efficiency in performance as well as adaptability. In addition to being strong enough, our containers are constructed robustly to cater for flexible heating options, hence designed/engineered purposely around reliability and efficiency in supporting different types of milk processing needs during various stages

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