Bulk milk tank from 50 liters to 30,000 liters

Once it is gathered, milk must be kept fresh and clean. A bulk tank is needed for this purpose. It keeps milk under optimal conditions to maintain its flavor, nutritional value and safety. We offer bulk milk tanks that can hold between 50 liters and an astounding 30,000 liters of capacity, which are customizable according to the needs of your dairy operation.



Product Description

Customizable Sizes for Your Requirements

A small dairy farm or a large-scale milk processing facility requires different sizes of bulk tanks. Our tanks come in many sizes starting from as low as 50 liters to as high as 30,000 liters; therefore, you will not waste anything since they can fit any production volumes or storage demands, thus maximizing on efficiency.

Choice Materials: Stainless Steel 304 and 316L

Material used in making our bulk milk tanks is stainless steel, which has been rated the best grade. It has two types; one being stainless steel 304 while another option would be using stainless steel 316L depending on what exactly you want done with them. Many people prefer using this particular kind because its corrosion-resistant ability is excellent also known for being long-lasting besides being easy cleaned, hence most suitable for various dairy farms. If anyone needs additional protection, especially those situated near areas having strong chemicals or salt water content, then what suits them better than opting for tanks made out of stainless steel type number three hundred sixteen L? Apart from preventing rusting over time due to such environmental factors, these materials ensure durability throughout usage period.

Advanced Cooling Systems And Agitation Mechanisms

The right temperature should always be maintained when storing milk; therefore, advanced cooling systems have been installed into our bulk tanks so that your milk remains fresh until it gets consumed by someone else. The built-in chillers quickly cool down the liquid to required degrees then keep it there without spoiling anything also called integrated cooling feature besides acting as preservative. Besides, each tank comes equipped with a powerful mixer which ensures that every part of stored milk gets cooled equally, preventing separation into layers due to cream.

Many Uses

These tanks are multipurpose hence can be used differently within the dairy industry like collecting, keeping or processing milk among others. This means that they should work well in dairy farms as well as milk plants even distribution centers too where hygiene matters most during transportation from one point to another therefore treating all these places equally important along supply chain stages involved such as reception at farm gate through bulk storage up until final destination like retail outlet may require such containers for safe handling purposes. Also, compatible with automated milking systems, thereby making operations easier than before because it saves time and labor too.

Main Features And Benefits

  1. Volume Customization: Different volumes ranging between 50 liters up till thirty thousand liters may be selected depending on required capacity for storage needs;
  2. Robust Build Quality: Excellent strength plus corrosion resistance are achieved by utilizing either grade 316L or AISI type 304 stainless steel during construction process thus ensuring durability throughout usage period especially when exposed under harsh environmental conditions;
  3. Enhanced Cooling: The system utilized has been designed so efficiently that it cools down rapidly taking few seconds only but remains cool enough until taken out later on without spoiling anything, this is commonly referred to us “pre-cooling” method;
  4. Mixing System: A good agitator pump helps prevent separation of different components within stored milk caused by variations in density levels thus facilitating uniform temperature distribution throughout entire content thus preventing formation of cream layer at top part or bottom side which happens if not mixed properly;
  5. Energy Efficient: They are designed to utilize the least amount of electricity possible while in operation, thereby lowering operational costs significantly compared with other similar products available today;
  6. Versatility Of Use: They may be applied widely across various sectors including farming enterprises producing raw materials required by processing factories manufacturing finished goods ready consumption both domestically internationally through different channels such as wholesalers, retailers, restaurants among others;
  7. Easy Maintenance: Hygienic surface finish makes cleaning process easier because there are no rough areas where dirt particles can hide, hence ensuring proper sanitation standards conformity at all times.

Bulk Milk Tanks that Ensures Quality in Every Drop

Never settle for anything less when it comes to milk storage. Our bulk milk tanks are built with the highest level of dependability, resilience and innovation necessary to keep your milk fresh from farm gate to consumer table all year round. These containers can be made in various sizes using different grades of materials to match any scale or type of dairy operation, whether big or small.

Improve your dairy farming now by investing into one among our many different high quality bulk milk tanks. Contact us today if you want more information about them such as customization options available, what we have in stock currently vis a vis what you need or pricing details. Trust our expertise because without good storage there can be no great business success!

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